The Challenge of Leadership
Leading organizations is tough. The pace, complexity and uncertainty in the world are greater than ever before.
- We help with the most challenging people or organizational issues a leader faces.
- We offer straight, easy to understand talk that identifies clear options on the toughest decisions you face.
- We back up our talk with help on these issues when you need it.
- We provide responsive, easily accessible and disciplined service to help you manage the issues that aren’t fun to address.
We help with the potential organizational tripwires. They are many ways to stumble and we are there to support you when the challenging issues arise. We help to re-establish the effectiveness and efficiency that are essential to individual, team and company success.
We take on challenging issues that frustrate executives.
For example,
- Leadership:
- picking the right new leader for a mission critical team
- New Leaders:
- insuring a new leader gets on board, gets accepted by their team and takes charge quickly and jump starts the business
- Transitions:
- handling the fears and resistance around transitions, reorganizations or mergers that stop progress
- Coaching:
- coaching executives who are facing developmental or organizational ruts
- Teams:
- fixing broken teams or building new ones
- Communication:
- rebuilding cross functional communication when blame and finger pointing dominate
- Conflict Resolution:
- settling resistant and painful conflicts between executives or teams
- Feedback systems:
- creating solid, effective 360 degree feedback to executives who may have developed a blind spot
- creating solid, effective 360 degree feedback to executives who may have developed a blind spot
- Meetings:
- making inefficient and wasteful meetings effective and exciting
- Strategy:
- resetting the strategy when the old models no longer work
- Values Alignment:
- making sure the real values of the company are driving people’s actions
- Customer Relations:
- helping teams assess what is broken in their customer relationships
- Business Processes:
- re-crafting broken business processes that disable your ability to execute and grow
We help you examine the issues that keep you up at night or cause you to go round and round trying to find a best course.
Our experience helps to focus the choices, lead to new ways of thinking and put a plan in place.